Ernesto Roldan

I have been a strength coach and trainer for over seven years. In that time I have attended and passed a lot of different certifications from the RKC to Crossfit Level 1. I must say that the CPPS certification sits on top of my list! Smitty and Joe are so thorough in the CPPS curriculum. I was impressed by all the knowledge that was shared not only through the books and DVDs but at the actual certification. As a CPPS hopeful, you are expected not only to know the curriculum but also coach it! You are not given this certification, you have to earn it! Which I think just adds to the credibility!

Since becoming a CPPS coach, I’ve noticed my training evolving with new methods and philosophies. I’m the head trainer at Mike Duffy’s Personal Training in Oakhurst and Little Silver NJ. We have recently have added an adolescent strength program based on the CPPS principals. Let me tell you, the success of the class is incredible. So much so that we have a waiting list! We are actually thinking of adding additional classes to meet the demand. One of the reasons it’s been so successful, I believe, is because of the training that we are providing, based on the principles I was taught at the CPPS certification!

I highly recommend this certification to anyone that’s serious about athletic performance, strength training, personal training. Smitty and Joe have a ton of knowledge and learning and applying that knowledge has paid huge dividends on my end!

Thanks guys for creating such an awesome program!