“I attended CPPS in Sept 2013 at the WWE training center in Orlando, FL. Since that weekend my life has turned upside down in the best possible way in business and in life. In terms of coaching, CPPS helped in more ways than can really be listed, but the biggest game changer for me was the way I learned to break down my training methods so I can communicate them with my clients more effectively. Smitty and Joe D have an uncanny way of communication. When they speak, you can’t help but listen. I had been a collegiate wrestling and athletic development coach for two years at that point and never had I felt more confident in my communication with my athletes than after that weekend.
In terms of business I’ll never be able to repay what CPPS has done for me. When I attended my first CPPS, I was a facility director with dreams of starting my own business; after that weekend those dreams starting coming to the forefront of my mind, but It wasn’t until I went back to help out in Feb. 14 that those dreams started becoming realities. I’ll never forget the dinner conversation I had with Smitty, Dean Somerset and some other CPPS alums. They asked me what I was waiting for, when would be the “right time?” I left that weekend realizing that I had make my dreams happen. I went to Defranco’s that weekend to help usher in a new class of CPPS coaches, but left with much more. Today, my business has been in operation for 8 months and is growing every day!
CPPS for me has been more than a certification you file with all the others. CPPS has introduced me to some of the best people in the industry, many of which I now call mentors and friends. It’s a community focused on contribution and growth that regularly pushes each other for greatness.”